For those of you who are serious about your own "Apprenticeship to Love"

Effective today Premium subscribers will have exclusive and full, 100% discounted access to monthly virtual workshops. Our first will be on July 19, 2023.

What does this mean?

Regular subscribers have access to a limited number of chapters. I value your readership and your comments. Premium subscribers have full access to all the chapters that I write, plus

  • 20% discount to services (eg. coaching) and events (eg. group retreats, solo one-on-one retreats, classes) as offered at and

  • 100% discount to regular #menswork conversations as listed at 

  • and now, exclusive access to the monthly Apprenticeship to Love virtual workshops.

Starting July 19, 2023 we’ll start a series of monthly virtual workshops on themes raised and provoked by the Apprenticeship to Love chapters you’ve been reading. The format

  • I’ll read a chapter or notes towards a chapter that I’m working on

  • I’ll open the mic to you, dear Premium subscribers, for your comments, your questions, and for anyone who is ready to work, for

  • One-on-one live coaching

  • We’ll close our 90 minutes together with a short, guided practice that you can take into your month.

Virtual workshops typically retail in the neighbourhood of $75+ per month. A Premium subscription is currently $5CAD month or $50/year.

If you’d like access to Premium benefits please sign up for Premium here:

Thank you! As a reader, you are on this path and I am grateful

This offer is meant as a “thank you” to those of you who’ve signed up for Premium. It’s also a way to offer something I value to those of you who think your own lifelong apprenticeship to love and relationship and living a full and conscious life with others is worth something. I think it is at least worth the price of a cup of coffee. (You can think of it as a “cup of coffee with Hans.”)

If you just want to read the chapters as I write them, please continue to do so at apprenticeshiptolove. I have no expectations.



or to participate.